Proudly Made in the USA

DesignFlex™ Sample Switch Request

How do we provide optimal solutions for your pressure, vacuum and differential switch needs? Through our industry expertise, product versatility, high-quality and responsiveness to our clients. Thanks for visiting DesignFlex™ Switches by World Magnetics, and giving us the opportunity to help you succeed!

Please Note:  This complimentary offer is exclusive to our standard range of DesignFlex™ Switches in conjunction with the development of a prototype or application; it is not offered or intended for replacement switches.

For custom designs, unique applications/challenges, or volume needs, please contact us directly to discuss your specific application, needs and requirements.  Put our proven customer service, and the ingenuity of our more than 50 years of engineered machining and manufacturing expertise to work for you today!

Please submit your DesignFlex™ Sample Switch Request below:

  1. Request your DesignFlex™ Sample Switch: (Please Choose One)
  1. Customer
  1. Submit my sample switch request
  1. Sample Required


  1. Contacts
  1. Current Type
  2. Circuit Type
  3. Terminal Size Preference

Switching Medium

  1. Type
  2. Contaminants Present
  1. Set On
  2. Input Pressure Pulsation?


  1. Temperature
  2. Switch (Diaphragm) Orientation
  3. Humid Environment?
  1. High Vibration Environment?
  2. Required Agency Approvals